
This section provides an overview of Introduction.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam


Blockquotes are useful for emphasizing key points or quoting external sources:

"Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self." - Damian Conway

Feel free to use blockquotes to highlight important information or quotes relevant to your documentation.

Project Structure

This file serves as the introduction to your documentation. Customize it to provide an overview of your project, highlight key features, and guide users on what to expect from the documentation. Start here to set the tone and direction for your documentation portal.

├── app
├── content
│   └── docs
│       └── getting-started
│           ├── introduction.mdx     /*Get started by editing this file*/
│           └── installation.mdx
└── package.json

The structure ought to be obvious and simple to comprehend thanks to this representation. In the event that you wish to add new routes or a routes section, you can edit the routes.config.ts file as necessary.

export const ROUTES = [
    title: "Getting Started",
    href: "getting-started",
    items: [
      { title: "Introduction", href: "/introduction" },
    - { title: "Installation", href: "/installation" },
    + { title: "Refrences", href: "/refrences" },


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam iste dolorum tempore consectetur explicabo tempora provident quia maxime, molestiae, facilis aperiam et, error illum vel ullam? Quis architecto dolore ullam